There are a number of different ways of contacting the team at Nura:
The fastest way to get support is to use this Product Assistant that you are currently using.
Most issues with devices can be resolved with a few simple steps, so try selecting I have another question in the options below to restart the assistant and troubleshoot your issue.
If your reason for contacting Nura support pertains to your NuraNow subscription, we have some very useful self-help options available, including links for updating your payment method, reactivating your subscription and cancelling your subscription. Simply choose the NuraNow Subscription Support option below for assistance.
If the solutions provided by the assistant do not resolve the issue, you will have the ability to create a support ticket and one of our Customer Experience Experts will contact you by email within 1-3 business days.
On occasion, we get asked about phone support. We do not currently offer phone-based support for the following reasons:
We are a small team supporting multiple products globally. Using our current channels we are able to support more customers, more efficiently, through multiple platforms.
As a primarily online business, we realize our main demographic is predominantly connected via online messaging channels and seek this style of support from us, as well as other businesses.
We sell unique and complex products, and we regularly pass on customer feedback and issues to our Product Team. Having messaging and text-based threads ensures we provide them with unadulterated feedback, as well as issue descriptions free of our own interpretations or possible misunderstanding. Furthermore, you also have a tangible record of your contact with us.